Separation and divorce is often a long and challenging process, and negotiating a financial settlement frequently requires specialist expertise. Our multidisciplinary teams investigate the financial aspects of marital disputes, from asset identification, verification and tracing to through to valuations, liquidity and tax.
In cases where the parties are unable to decide upon or agree value, an expert may be required to provide independent evidence to enable the parties to reach a settlement, or the Court to make an order. We work regularly with the leading matrimonial firms and counsel, and take a proactive approach to maximising the effectiveness of the quantum aspect of each case.
We have extensive experience in providing both single party and single joint expert reports for submission to the Court. Our specialists have acted in a wide range of cases, including the landmark Charman v Charman, and we have access to a wide range of industry experts which means that our reports are credible, robust and able to withstand scrutiny – and are grounded in commercial reality.
For more information about the wider range of expert Valuation services we provide, please see here.